Armor Men's Health Show

Can I Get a Vasectomy If I Have Peyronie's? Dr. Mistry Answers A Listener's Question

Dr. Sandeep Mistry and Donna Lee

Thanks for tuning in to the Armor Men’s Health Hour Podcast today, where we bring you the latest and greatest in urology care and the best urology humor out there.

In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee answer a listener's question about 
getting a vasectomy when he has Peyronie's disease. He wonders whether the two could affect each other, and whether he should get a consultation for Peyronie's before his vasectomy consultation? Dr. Mistry reminds all our listners that NAU Urology Specialists offers the fabulous Mistry Vasectomy--a single-visit, in-office vasectomy with IV sedation. November is our Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Vasectomathon! Call us to schedule your all-in-one consultation and vasectomy procedure today! Regarding this listener's Peyronie's, Dr. Mistry suggests he be evaluated by a urologist to determine the extent of his disease progression and potential avenues of treatment.  If you have developed a bend in your penis or if, when erect, it stands at an unnatural angle, you may have Peyronie's disease. While the exact cause is unknown, Peyronie's disease may be caused by the slowly accumulating effects of microtrauma to the penis sustained during intercourse with a less-than-fully-erect penis. Scar tissue can develop along the penis shaft, causing the often painful and distressing changes associated with this incredibly common condition. More severe, acute trauma to the penis can also cause Peyronie's to develop practically overnight, so please be careful when having vigorous intercourse--the most common cause of serious penile trauma. Peyronie's typically develops rather quickly and may progress for about a year before stabilizing. At that point, there are many treatment options depending on the degree of penile curvature and the severity of symptoms. While people with a lower degree of curvature might benefit from Xiaflex injections, those with more severe curves should consider one of the surgical options offered by NAU Urology Specialists. No matter your disease progression, getting an evaluation and proper measurement of your curvature by a urologist is essential in identifying the right treatment. 

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Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.

We enjoy hearing from you! Email us at and we’ll answer your question in an upcoming episode!

Phone: (512) 238-0762



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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Armor Men's Health Hour with Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee.

Dr. Mistry:

Hello and welcome to the Armor Men's Health Hour. I'm Dr. Mistry, your host, here as always with my co-host, Donna Lee.

Donna Lee:

Hello everybody! Happy days to everybody.

Dr. Mistry:

I hope everybody's having a great weekend. It's a exciting time of year for us in the practice. I'm a board certified urologist. This is a men's health show. This show is brought to you by NAU Urology Specialists. That's the urology group started in 2007. Originally it was called North Austin Urology.

Donna Lee:

But people wouldn't come south of the river to see you.

Dr. Mistry:

That's right. So we had to change it to NAU Urology Specialists because somebody thought the website shouldn't change.

Donna Lee:

And we have people in south Austin to see you South folks.

Dr. Mistry:

That's right. We do. We have, we have an office in Dripping Springs and South Austin. We specialize in kind of urologic health. A lot of that has a crossover with general men's health, because a lot of times guys that come see us for fatigue or for weight gain and think they have low testosterone, really have a multitude of other issues that we can help them with.

Donna Lee:

You know, our vasectomy patients, I always want to send them a little follow up and go,"Hey, you're going to probably need testosterone in a couple of years."

Dr. Mistry:

Is that what you want to say?

Donna Lee:


Dr. Mistry:

"I saw you in the waiting room. You probably need testosterone now."

Donna Lee:

"You looked like you were a little tired when you got your vasectomy. So come on back."

Dr. Mistry:

It's funny because I think we should send the opposite letter. We should send all of our testosterone patients vasectomy cards.

Donna Lee:

Okay, well that works. We have the card. We'll just make it for them. For the people who live in South Austin and Dripping Springs, you, until recently, have not been seeing patients there. But hey, you have schedules there now.

Dr. Mistry:

We sure do. So if you want to get seen by me or any of our awesome providers in Dripping Springs or the South Austin location, we'd love to see you. Donna, how to do people tmake appointments?

Donna Lee:

You call us at(512) 238-0762. Our email address is And our website is You can listen to our podcasts. I got an email from Amazon. Was very official because it was the first person's Okay. You can hear us on Alexa at home. We knew that before, but we got like an actual"Welcome to our podcast family at Amazon. Please utilize the following to make your podcast a better experience for your listeners." How cool is that?

Dr. Mistry:

We love having people listen to our show all over the world, really. We had a patient last week who drove down from Dallas Fort Worth to the Austin area. He wanted everything. He wanted shockwave, he wanted testosterone pellets. He wanted a general men's health evaluation. And that's exactly right. He mentioned that he had gone to several doctors in the Dallas Fort worth area, thinking that he was gonna get the exact same experience there that he was going to get with us. And he was, he was, he was mistaken.

Donna Lee:

You know why? Because there's no Dr. Mistry up there.

Dr. Mistry:

Well, you know, when it comes to trying to find the cause of your underlying erectile dysfunction or giving you the best vasectomy experience or making sure that we keep you from getting more kidney stones, it's something that we take really seriously. And we have amazing staff and personnel here and we'd love to take care of you.

Donna Lee:

That's right. We're adding on new providers. It's like a new world.

Dr. Mistry:

It is. So your questions keep this show going. We love seeing you in the office, but sometimes this can be the best consultation that you can get with a urologist, you know, an hour long consultation.

Donna Lee:

You can mail your copay to us directly at PO box Donna Lee, 78701.

Dr. Mistry:

No wonder you're driving such a nice car? You're taking all those copays from our listeners. Why don't you tell us what the latest question is from one of our listeners?

Donna Lee:

Latest topic, I thought this was very interesting. He said that he has been listening to the show. He would like a vasectomy consultation and also has Peyronie's disease. So he's wondering how those two affect each other, if at all. Should he get the vasectomy first? Should he be, have a consultation for both? So I thought that was a really good topic, especially for this exciting time of the year that you mentioned earlier.

Dr. Mistry:

Yes. It's an exciting time of the year. This is November. It's also known, known as Movember. It's kind of a men's health kind of time. We run our Annual Pre-Thanksgiving Vasectomathon. Used to call it, be called the Sunny Mistry Pre-Thanksgiving Vasectomathon, but then we have more doctors, so I can't just steal the whole lime light. We're doing 40 to 60 to 80 vasectomies the weekend before Thanksgiving. And we have all sorts of spots throughout the month. If your deductibles are paid off, especially here in Texas, where family planning options are going to become increasingly more limited, you really want to take advantage and take control of your own family planning. So we encourage men who are not interested in having more children to get a vasectomy. You'll get a t-shirt.

Donna Lee:

They're funny.

Dr. Mistry:

Your wife's going to have...

Donna Lee:

We'll treat her like a little queen.

Dr. Mistry:

A little queen while she's waiting for you.

Donna Lee:

Or she can go shopping for an hour.

Dr. Mistry:

It's a single visit. So just one visit. You don't need to have a consultation beforehand, unless you really want one. You come in, we talk, you get an IV sedative for free. We do a single incision vasectomy for free. Well, you know, you pay your copay or whatever insurance requires. If you don't have insurance, the cash pay price is what,$800? And you can buy your jock strap here. We'll make sure you leave with an ice pack...

Donna Lee:

Not here at KLBJ. Here at our clinic.

Dr. Mistry:

Yeah, that's right. In our clinic. We want to make sure that it's an exceptional experience for you. And we want you to, you know, tell your friends about it.

Donna Lee:

I've had patients ask me directly,"Why do you do just a single visit? Because I've called another office and they want me to come in like two or three times." And the, the decision that you've probably made, you've done your research as a grown-ass man, and you probably ready for the procedure. So we'll do it all in one visit.

Dr. Mistry:

Right. If you're really confused, or your wife just told you to go to the doctor, that's fine. You can come in for the consultation. But if, if you're ready for the vasectomy, you know, I want to make it more like an oil change rather than a huge hassle. You're going to have to take the weekend and rest anyway, and the consultation and doing the vasectomy, probably in and out of here in about 45 minutes to an hour. You know, have a nice relaxing weekend on the couch.

Donna Lee:

That's right. Then I V sedation is pretty magical and it's included by the way.

Dr. Mistry:

That's right, we don't charge for that, because it not only makes your experience better, but it makes our life better. Because you're more relaxed and your scrotum hangs lower and it makes it so much easier.

Donna Lee:

And then you patients are funnier when you're on the IV sedation.

Dr. Mistry:

That's correct. It's also a much more enjoyable experience.

Donna Lee:

...for everybody.

Dr. Mistry:

A lot of people may not know, but the vasectomy, for many urologists, is one of the most harrowing procedures that we do, because most of the procedures that we do on patients, they're sleeping.

Donna Lee:

Oh, yeah.

Dr. Mistry:

And so, you know, when you're looking in the eye of they guy and you're chatting, you'll find urologists have a varying level of interest in doing vasectomies. I love them. I find them to be highly satisfying as a procedure, but not all do. And this particular listener had another issue, another urologic issue. And that's another great reason to come in for your vasectomy. You can talk about all your man part issues.

Donna Lee:

The man parts.

Dr. Mistry:

So Donna, as a lay person, why don't you tell me what, what is Peyronie's disease?

Donna Lee:

Peyronie's disease, as I learned from you when I started with you, is a curvature of the penis. Now that can be a 5% curvature to 180 degree curvature. And it's very unsettling, and most of the time uncomfortable, and sometimes very painful.

Dr. Mistry:

And I think a lot more common than some people, the data would even suggest, because a lot of people complain about it.

Donna Lee:

We get a lot of letters about it.

Dr. Mistry:

Usually, usually it's not the thing you were born with. So it's not like a slight left or a slight right or a slight outward curvature. It's something that you, that you can see come on really very quickly within a couple of days. It can evolve over the course of a year. It can be associated with pain or painless. Some people have a curvature. Other people just have a scar that they can feel. And some people have, what's called an hourglass deformity where it almost looks like somebody put like a rubber band in the middle part of their penis.

Donna Lee:

Well, that might be fun for some people cause they make sex toys shaped like that.

Dr. Mistry:

They do?

Donna Lee:

Mhmm. I know that. I saw it once.

Dr. Mistry:

"I saw it once."

Donna Lee:

Not comfortable for the guy.

Dr. Mistry:

If you're not trying to accommodate somebody's fetish, and you don't like your hourglass penis. The things that we do for them. There's some role for medications. There's certainly a surgical role. There's role for injectables into the area. You want to know that you're normal and I think that's really reasonable. There's an 80% overlap between low testosterone and Peyronie's, so oftentimes patients will have low testosterone. If your, if your erection is misshapen, it can make it more dangerous to have intercourse. So we want to make sure you have a rigid erection. This is where shockwave therapy, this is where the use of a daily like Cialis may have some impact. Getting your testosterone correct. We often use a vacuum erection device to get very rigid erections to try to bend that, you know, bend the curve back into the normal...

Donna Lee:

Bend it back.

Dr. Mistry:

Bend it back.

Donna Lee:

Like Beckham?

Dr. Mistry:

Build better back...

Donna Lee:

Build back better, bend it like Beckham.

Dr. Mistry:

Bend it like Beckham.

Donna Lee:

There's our t-shirt.

Dr. Mistry:

It's a long, a lot of alliteration there. We encourage you to, to visit with a men's health specialist. If you want to ask us questions or get a consultation or a second opinion, because you've gotten some advice elsewhere. These are the things that we love to give...

Donna Lee:

Like from your buddies.

Dr. Mistry:

"From your buddies." I don't know. I've been on a lot of hunting trips. I don't think we've ever talking about our penis curvature.

Donna Lee:

No? Well, I thought all for sure on your hunting trip you would talk about it.

Dr. Mistry:

Well, for our show, you're right. You're right.

Donna Lee:

If I'm hunting with Dr. Mistry, I'm talking about my penis.

Dr. Mistry:

And at parties and apparently everywhere."You saw a friend of mine. He had this and that and the other."

Donna Lee:

I noticed on our website, there's a very simple picture. It was a penis under the Peyronie's tab. And the very simple picture on how you address it with the injection or with surgeries. It's, it's almost like a stick figure[inaudible] the penis. So go to our website, and look up Peyronie's and you know, it's a very easy little thing to look at.

Dr. Mistry:

It is very hard to comprehensively put all the things that we do for that, that condition others on the website. So, and I'm always been more of a, you know, mano-a-mano kind of person to give, give advice. But, however embarrassing you think that your question might be, we encourage you to send it because there's undoubtedly a thousands and hundreds of thousands of men out there that are suffering from the same thing. And to give them the opportunity to share your story so that we can share our advice is so important.

Donna Lee:

That's right. And I'm pretty sure that every question that's been asked is helping somebody else for sure. And you're right. So many of these questions are about Peyronie's. So I think the national average is probably up.

Dr. Mistry:

A little higher up. But if you're looking for a vasectomy, if you're looking for a consultation on low testosterone. If you have erectile dysfunction, we had a patient that came to us from almost 40, 50 miles away because every other urologist they had seen had never been interested in doing an evaluation of why they have erectile dysfunction. So we do penile dopplers, we do nerve testing, we do hormone testing. If you want to get the--it's because he was in his seventies, and so kind of like, he felt like everybody kind of given up on anything restorative. But you know, don't let anybody give up on you. The pills may work. If the pills aren't working, then maybe you're taking them wrong. We can give you great advice on that. We would love to help address some of your men's health issues and do your vasectomy.

Donna Lee:

Call us at 512-238-0762.

Speaker 1:

The Armor Men's Health Hour will be right back. If you have questions for Dr. Mistry, email him at