Armor Men's Health Show

Could Spark Wave Be The Spark You've Been Looking For? Dr. Mistry on Ultrasound Therapy For ED Treatment

Dr. Sandeep Mistry and Donna Lee

Thanks for tuning in to the Armor Men’s Health Hour Podcast today, where we bring you the latest and greatest in urology care and the best urology humor out there.

In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee talk about Spark Wave treatment for erectile dysfunction. Sometimes called shockwave therapy, this treatment involves using a low intensity ultrasound wave directed towards the erectile body. These ultrasound waves cause microtrauma to rejuvenate the corporate cavernosum, which is like the big blood vessel that holds blood in the top of your penis to maintain an erection. Patients deemed to be good candidates for Spark Wave therapy can expect better, firmer erections, but not everyone is equally likely to benefit. Patients who are completely unable to achieve any erection are not good candidates for this particular therapy. Fortunately, at NAU Urology Specialists, we have a expert providers well-trained in a variety of procedures to address whatever individual needs you may have. Call us today to learn more about Spark Wave and other ED treatments or to schedule an appointment today! 
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Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Armor Men's Health Hour with Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee.

Dr. Mistry:

Hello and welcome to the Armor Men's Health Hour. I'm Dr. Mistry, your host, here as always with my cohost, the very funny, talented, but sometimes host the show without me co-host....

Donna Lee:

Mhmm. Because sometimes you don't show up.

Dr. Mistry:

...Donna Lee.

Donna Lee:

That's right. Remember back in the day when we were looking for a name for the show?

Dr. Mistry:


Donna Lee:

We had like the funniest names, like"**** Talk with Dr. Mistry," but the rooster. But what else do we have? Do you remember those?

Dr. Mistry:

No, that was probably the winner.

Donna Lee:

It was probably the winner. It was roost, the rooster hour or something.

Dr. Mistry:

It was shot down.

Donna Lee:

Yeah. And then we came up with the Armor Men's Health Hour, but we talk a lot about women. So we need to change it to be...

Dr. Mistry:

If you're trying to look for a funny name for your radio show, don't ask your wife.

Donna Lee:

"The Mistry Show."

Dr. Mistry:

She's probably going to shoot down a few of those ideas."I'm not walking into that grocery store..."[inaudible] I'm Dr. Mistry. I'm a board certified urologist. I live in Austin, Texas. This show is brought to you by NAU Urology Specialists. This is the urology specialty clinic that I started in 2007. We've now grown. We have four physician providers. We have six PA or NP providers. We have three pelvic floor physical therapists. We have a sleep apnea program. We have sex therapist. We have an integrative nutritionist that works with us. If you thought that urology was just a bunch of saddle talking about...

Donna Lee:

Bunch of dudes talking about penises?

Dr. Mistry:

...balls and stones, you're in for something. We're here to make you feel better. A lot of the practices of our clinic and the things that have motivated us started with our intense treatment of men's and women's hormone issues. And that's where for many clinics, the idea of wellness stops. So if you go to a chiropractor and they do like chiropractor and wellness, oftentimes it's chiropractor and testosterone. And, but real wellness, which is differentiated from sickness, right, is this idea that we want to keep you as healthy as possible. We want to restore your normal, normal function as far as possible and get you feeling your best. And I think that that's the philosophy that we really enjoy living.

Donna Lee:

That's right. And what's normal for one patient might not be normal for another patient. So.

Dr. Mistry:

And what works for one person is not going to work for another person. That's for sure.

Donna Lee:

That's right. And I think it's confusing. We've had a lot of people reach out to us asking about different treatments that we provide and other things they've heard on KLBJ and how we're different. So I know we could probably touch on spark wave.

Dr. Mistry:

So much noise out there when it comes to what is good for a guy. Where, where the friction happens is men like to have easy to understand, easy to access solutions to their problems. When in fact the truth is many of these issues are complex and require a deeper insight.

Donna Lee:

Like lab work, maybe?

Dr. Mistry:

That's right. If home Depot only sold hammers, nails and fence panels...

Donna Lee:

But you wanted a saw, or a screw...

Dr. Mistry:

That's right. You're not making, you're not making, you're not making a beautiful turn leg bookshelf, because, or a table, whatever.

Donna Lee:

You're not a carpenter.

Dr. Mistry:

I used the wrong analogy. Should've stuck with what I know.

Donna Lee:


Dr. Mistry:

Just urology. So, so, that's my argument or what I would say when it comes to many of the different types of men's health quote-unquote opportunities or clinics that, that men can go to. And I think that we should talk about that more, but first tell people how to get ahold of us and where our offices are.

Donna Lee:

You can call us at(512) 238-0762. You can even ask for me if you'd like, my extension is 220. Our website's And that'll take you to our main website where you can check out our podcast. You can listen to our podcasts, wherever you check out podcasts, they are free and amazing. Hopefully Joe Rogan will have us on soon. And our email address is That's, where you can send your questions that we will answer anonymously.

Dr. Mistry:

So getting back to the point here is that the show that we have really appeals to, you know, what I think is men between the age of 35 and 65. And so a lot of the kinds of ads you hear on the radio and television really are meant for, for that. I, I see so many ads for,"call for an erectile dysfunction pill,""call for a cream for your hair so you don't lose your hair." And then so many ads for companies that offer either platelet rich plasma for erectile dysfunction, or some type of ultrasound therapy for erectile dysfunction. And ultimately what I'm, what I, what I'm always taken by is the fact that these places aren't really there to treat your condition. They're there just to sell you a service.

Donna Lee:

Because that's all they have.

Dr. Mistry:

Because that's all they have.

Donna Lee:

The one service.

Dr. Mistry:

So if you go to somewhere that says that they're the low testosterone center, right, you're probably going to get testosterone. I mean, you know.

Donna Lee:

You're not going to get a lot of supplements.

Dr. Mistry:

Or, and you may get supplements, but, you know, I mean, in terms of wellness and weight loss, and like all these things that you really, because you don't, you're not going there to get testosterone, you're getting there to feel better in the hopes that maybe a lower testosterone level or hormone replacement may be something good for you. And so that's what I would argue is that if you're looking for improvements in your health, then go to a place that will provide more comprehensive health.

Donna Lee:

That will improve your health.

Dr. Mistry:

And so, we offer a therapy for erectile dysfunction called shockwave therapy.

Donna Lee:

Ours is called Spark Wave.

Dr. Mistry:

It's called Spark Wave.

Donna Lee:

It's also called several other things, other things. So linear focused something ultrasound, what is that called? Linear compression focused ultrasound.

Dr. Mistry:

We don't do the linear compression, right? So linear compression is like having like of those, just like a jackhammer that's applied to the erectile body. What has been shown by studies to help with erectile functioning is a low intensity ultrasound wave directed towards the erectile body, will cause microtrauma within the corporate cavernosa, which is like the big blood vessel that holds blood in the, in the top of the penis for your erection, and will help rejuvenate it by helping, that those, that little micro trauma creates a signal to your body to heal and that healing leads to better firmer erections. I would say that more than half of the guys that are getting responses to medicines will get, will no longer need them. And some of the patients that are getting suboptimal response to medicines will start getting good responses. But I, I, whenever I see a patient that comes to us and has spent thousands of dollars getting shockwave therapy and they can't get any sort of erection on their own at all, I'm always really disappointed because if you can't get any erection at all, I think that spending money on shockwave therapy is more hope than, than, than, than success.

Donna Lee:

It it's like three to$3,000 to$5,000 at some clinics.

Dr. Mistry:

Absolutely. Our price is$2,000 for six treatments. We will do that in combination with hormone replacement or the use of oral medicines or the use of vacuum erection devices. And if we don't think you're a candidate, you're not going to get it done because we have a lot of other tools in our belt. The standard shockwave therapy that you can expect with us, each session takes less than 15 minutes. We use a small ultrasound probe that makes a, an ultrasound wave through kind of like a, like a spark plug that kind of fires an air and then it creates a sound wave that goes through the probe and then into your, into your, erectile body.

Donna Lee:

Thus the name Spark Wave. Do you do both sides of the penis or one side at a time?

Dr. Mistry:

It's right on the undersurface, right where the penis and scrotum kind of come together.

Donna Lee:

Oh, OK.

Dr. Mistry:

Now for, we also use this same technology for chronic pelvic pain. And if you do that, we put it right under the scrotum, right on the perineum it's called.

Donna Lee:

Oh, the taint.

Dr. Mistry:

Yes. So eloquent.

Donna Lee:

Well, you said we use normal words on this show.

Dr. Mistry:

We do use normal words. And then, the ultrasound does not hurt.

Donna Lee:

Yeah, it's just loud. It's like a loud...

Dr. Mistry:

It does make a large, a loud noise when the, when the spark hits, but it doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't hurt. Six treatments. We usually separate them from a week, a week apart, but a little bit of a delay here and there isn't gonna be that, be that big of an issue. About half the patients will benefit from a maintenance therapy, which is usually one or two sessions every six months. But to be able to get off medicines, to have improved, uh, sensitivity and improved spontaneity, for some people it's a worthwhile expenditure. It's not going to happen that you're going to come to our clinic and say,"I want Spark Wave." And then you're going to get Spark Wave, right? It's going to happen that you're going to come to us and we're going to evaluate what, what we think is the, the, the nature of your erectile dysfunction, and then offer you what it is. Whether it be maximizing your pills or giving you hormone replacement, or, you know, platelet rich plasma in some patients, whether it be a shockwave. And if we don't think these things are gonna work, then we're going to, we're going to be honest with you and get you moving along the pathway. Because although this is not covered by insurance, so many other things are, and better use your money resource and the limited emotional capacity you have to deal with this very sensitive issue on something that's successful.

Donna Lee:

Mhmm, that's right. We have a patient testimonial coming up soon. He had some other options that he tried and he's tried Spark Wave with us, and he said it changed his life. And he's on very little Viagra now. And he can date again. He couldn't date. His quality of life was tanked, and now he's super happy. So listen, in the future for that guy.

Dr. Mistry:

We love these stories and maybe we'll even have him on the show one day. Well, Donna, how do people get ahold of us?

Donna Lee:

Call us at(512) 238-0762. And email us please. Your amazing questions help us keep this show running. It's Our website is Listen to our podcasts wherever you listen to free, amazing informative.

Speaker 1:

The Armor Men's Health Hour is brought to you by Urology Specialists. For questions, or to schedule an appointment, please call(512) 238-0762 or online at