The Armor Men's Health Show
The Armor Men's Health Show with hosts Dr. Sandeep Mistry and Donna Lee is a weekly show covering a multitude of medical topics important to men...and sometimes women. Dr. Mistry is a Board Certified Urologist and founder of NAU Urology Specialists in Austin, TX. Donna Lee is Director of Business Development and a professional stand-up comedian. The medical and wellness discussions between them (and guests) will be informative, interesting, and funny. Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee discuss topics such as erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer, enlarged prostate, testosterone therapy, fertility, kidney stones, vasectomies and so much more. Their holistic approach to men's health which includes nutrition, weight loss, sleep health, sex therapy, and pelvic floor physical therapy will also be showcased. In addition, they have prominent and respected physicians and specialists throughout the Austin area who will give their views on important men's health topics such as orthopedics, cardiology, endocrinology, internal medicine, general wellness, and much, much more.
The Armor Men's Health Show
Bonus Episode: How's Your Game? Dr. Mistry on Golf and The Sexual Desire/Performance Connection
In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee answer a listener question about the link between erectile dysfunction and low sexual desire. Dr. Mistry's favorite analogy to describe this connection is golf: if you're a terrible golfer, you probably don't golf very often or find it enjoyable. In the same way, if you don't find golf to be interesting or fun, you aren't likely to pursue it. The same is true for sex: if you're having difficulty achieving sexual satisfaction (for a variety of reasons, including ED), you may not want to have sex; but if your desire to have sex is low, you're also unlikely to do it. No matter the cause of your troubles, Dr. Mistry and his team at NAU Urology Specialists can help get you back on the fairway and swinging with confidence!
Voted top Men's Health Podcast, Sex Therapy Podcast, and Prostate Cancer Podcast by FeedSpot
Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.
We enjoy hearing from you! Email us at armormenshealth@gmail.com and we’ll answer your question in an upcoming episode.
Phone: (512) 238-0762
Email: Armormenshealth@gmail.com
Website: Armormenshealth.com
Our Locations:
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970 Hester’s Crossing Road
Suite 101
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Suite 1-103
Austin, TX 78745
Lakeline Office
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Austin, TX 78750
Dripping Springs Office
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Dripping Springs, TX 78620
Speaker 2:Welcome back to the Armor Men's Health Hour with Dr. Mystery and Donna Lee.
Speaker 1:Hello
Speaker 3:And welcome to the Armor Men's Health Hour. I'm Dr . Mystery , your host here, as always, with my co-host Donna Lee.
Speaker 4:Hello, I'm Bult <laugh>. I learned that word from you.
Speaker 3:That's a throwback from , uh, a previous episode. Excellent, excellent
Speaker 4:Memory. Hashtag good memory.
Speaker 3:I am a board certified urologist. My name really is Dr . Mystery, m i ss t r y. We started a practice , uh, in 2007 here in Austin, first in Round Rock, and now all throughout the city called N A U Urology Specialists. We are a special brand of urologic care. I'd like to think that we provide more holistic care. We really think about what is the next step to your urologic and whole body care and just absolutely love bringing you this show. Enjoy our listenership and the great following that we've built , uh, around town. Donna, I
Speaker 4:Know we are , um, famous in our own minds, and that's kind of cool.
Speaker 3:That's right. You know, it'd be nice if there was an award show for , uh, self-produced radio content. Well,
Speaker 4:We do have awards. Doesn't that count? Yes,
Speaker 3:They're self provided award , but you know what, you know , it's called self-love. It is.
Speaker 4:And,
Speaker 3:And if you don't love yourself, nobody's gonna love you this day .
Speaker 4:That's right. I , we've seen several billboards around town that say award-winning neighborhood, and I'm like, who gave 'em that award? <laugh> , they got the , they did,
Speaker 3:They got the same award. So our practice , uh, is all throughout town, as I mentioned. We have four physicians. We have five physician assistant and nurse practitioners. We have two pelvic floor physical therapists. We really focus a lot on making sure that your sleep patterns are normal. We make sure that your attrition is optimized and we even have sex therapy for those sexual issues and really personal issues that may have a , a strong medical impact, but something that , uh, you know, isn't purely physiological. That's
Speaker 4:Right. We have a new friend, Sally, who actually reached out to us to get the sex therapy information for someone she knows. That's , so I thought that was interesting. 'cause where else do you turn if you don't know, if you're new to Austin, you don't know where to get help.
Speaker 3:It reminds me of a very interesting lesson that I learned years ago when I went to speak to the , um, Austin Area Family Therapist Association about sex therapy. And I asked a question, which was, how many of you talk about sexual issues as part of your family therapy counseling? And it wasn't very many. And that surprised me because in our mind, sexual issues make up a big part of what, you know, may cause strife in a couple's right relationship, but if you're not trained to talk about it or you don't know how to bring it up, or if you don't wanna really bring it up, or if you have this really sensitive topic that you think is gonna be a trigger for a couple, you may not bring it up. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> . And so if you have issues that are predominantly sexual now, we've had couples in the past that had couple that had problems with, you know, different kind of sadomasochism rights. We had different, you know, a lot of people with different varying levels of libido or sex drive. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> , uh, boundary issues, things of that nature. Oh, and then more increasingly now is gonna be pornography addiction, just a Right. The , the addiction and and wide availability of pornography has created it so that, you know, many people, men in particular have difficulty enjoying intimacy with a real person.
Speaker 4:And the pandemic didn't help anything. Like, I'm sure <laugh>,
Speaker 3:And we can
Speaker 4:Blame Covid from
Speaker 3:That and virtual reality. Oh,
Speaker 4:That's right. <laugh> . We got one of those. I mean , Jeff ,
Speaker 3:Michael ,
Speaker 4:Not the porn part, but we <laugh> , we got that Oculus toy. That's fun.
Speaker 3:<laugh> . Well, at least he's not gonna be pawing at you anymore.
Speaker 4:<laugh>. Thank God. <laugh> ,
Speaker 3:Your , your questions , uh, and your participation on the show is really important to us and we love seeing you as a patient. Donna. How do people see us as a patient?
Speaker 4:Y'all can call us at (512) 238-0762 to make an appointment during the week, Monday through Friday. You can also reach out to us through our website, which is armor men's health.com, and you can send your questions , uh, to Armor men's health@gmail.com. That's Armor Men's health@gmail.com. We will take your questions and we'll answer them anonymously and we have some
Speaker 3:Excellent. Uh, Donna, why don't you hit us up ? The question, this
Speaker 4:Particular one is from last week. You listened to the show over the weekend. Um , Dr . Mistry , I've listened to several of your podcasts and like your holistic approach to men's health issues. I have struggled with ED and sexual desire off and on for several years. My P C P primary care physician says my testosterone is normal. Do you know , um, any providers in the Dallas area who you have a similar approach to yours? But I know the answer might be no, but I thought we could talk about his sexual desire and his testosterone being normal, or do you have a friend like you in DR in Dallas, Dr .
Speaker 3:<laugh> ? There ain't nobody like me. <laugh> . So that , that raised four interesting things. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , the first one I'll say that's easy is that you call us. If you have a primary care physician, we will just take care of you by telehealth. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , as long as you're a Texas resident, my medical license covers it. And we can certainly , uh, take care of so many of your different issues, at least give you guidance that you can kind of follow through. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> number two is , uh, we work frequently with primary care physicians in other, in other localities and make sure that they kind of, kind of institute whatever program we have because they're interested in doing what's best for you as well. And if we can give 'em the guidance and you agree to it, then that can be a way that you can get what you need and not have to come see us here in Austin. And then this question of the chicken and egg phenomenon of low libido versus erectile dysfunction. Right. And I've said it on the show, I don't play golf. Mm-hmm.
Speaker 4:<affirmative> , you're a terrible golfer.
Speaker 3:I'm a terrible golfer. I slice it. I don't dunno what I'm doing out there. <laugh> . So my desire whacking balls, I'm just whacking whacking balls. Okay. <laugh> . So my desire to play golf is zero. I , if I could take a pill today that would make it so I could hit the golf ball straight and I would love golf
Speaker 4:To enhance your game,
Speaker 3:And I would hit my putts in whatever else they do. Oh,
Speaker 4:You don't even know the word game
Speaker 3:<laugh> . You know what , what I'm saying? Is
Speaker 4:That right?
Speaker 3:That's right . If I
Speaker 4:Could get my putts in,
Speaker 3:I think that, I think, I think that vernac from a vernacular standpoint is accurate. I know . And so I think that it, I I'm telling you that if I could take a pill that would make me play, play really good golf, right . I'd wanna play golf all the time, I have no doubt about that . Yeah . A
Speaker 4:Pill popping golf player. That's
Speaker 3:Right . That's right. And so that's what it comes down to. Sex. If your desire to have sex is low mm-hmm . <affirmative> , because your , uh, ability to get and maintain an erection is low, then I think that there is an understanding that the erectile dysfunction preceded the low desire, but other men, they're the other way. Their low sexual desire causes them to have poor sexual performance. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> things that we do to enhance desire. You hit on one, which is testosterone. We have other medications, sex therapy. There are medicines like VII and ADDIE that are actually of women . F d a approved for women, but we use them in an off-label way for men. Oh . To enhance. Didn't know that . To enhance libido, because bio, physically it's the same. Oh, true. You know, biochemically, it's the same kind of thing that, that that helps , uh, uh, increase , uh, desire in a man. You
Speaker 4:Know, our VII rep told me that she injected her VII and her husband did too, off-label. And they, she said they just had sex all night long, like the first time in 10 years that they had that much sex.
Speaker 3:Yes. I feel that was an incredible endorsement, <laugh> . And , uh, and I'm going to both give that both to you and Michael as a gift later this year. It'll be, it'll be in, in the clothing that I give you. So when you hear that little feel, that little prick, it'll be, oops . Probably your husband <laugh> . So , so we have medicines that will work beyond testosterone to help give you more desire and that might help you give you more, more sexual performance. Don't underestimate the importance of self-esteem in all of this too. Mm . I mean, sexual desire and sexual performance increases when you start a moderate exercise regimen. This is no joke. Do it. Take 10 days mm-hmm . <affirmative> and go walk two miles each day at a moderate pace. And then at the end, judge how good your sexual desire is. And it will be higher. Really get on a diet for 10 days. This is , this is
Speaker 4:The challenge.
Speaker 3:It will increase your sexual desire. When you feel good about yourself, it naturally increases your sexual desire. You know, it's kind of like, you know, you feel good about yourself. Now I can become a hunter out there and go .
Speaker 4:It's like when a woman gets a boob job and she's like, Hey,
Speaker 3:Look at these. I was unaware of that <laugh>,
Speaker 4:All the friends I've had in life, when they get a boob job , they're like, look at these, these are amazing. And then they don't have a bunch of sex. So
Speaker 3:That's , uh, very interesting. Sorry if that really, what was it? Was they'd be covered by insurance. <laugh> ,
Speaker 4:<laugh> . That's true. Only man related things are covered by
Speaker 3:Insurance.
Speaker 4:That's certainly not women.
Speaker 3:<laugh> . That should , that should be the argument we give people of why they should be covered by insurance. Because, you know, it helps everyone.
Speaker 4:It helps
Speaker 3:Everyone. It helps
Speaker 4:Everyone. You men can get your penis enlarged through insurance, but women have to pay out of pocket for their
Speaker 3:Boobs. That's right. Not fair. Well , there we go. The last part I want to make a mention to for this listener is the issue of normal quote unquote normal testosterone levels. The level or range that testosterone is reported at is a range of normals that have nothing to do with whether or not those people were symptomatic or not. What I mean by that is that normal may not be normal for you. And I say that all over all the time. It's important that we measure your level so we know where you're starting from. But oftentimes we'll put men on the low end of the normal range on a course of testosterone. I feel like there's very little risk in a short 12 week course. As long as you understand what the potential side effects could be of these, of these medications, and if we monitor it and take care of you and dose you properly, I feel very good that we're going to be , uh, safely increasing your testosterone in a way that lets you see if that's the primary problem you're having. Don't take testosterone just to treat a number. If you're not treating a symptom, you're not doing yourself any favors and you don't have any idea when to get off the medication.
Speaker 4:Mm-hmm . Good point. That's what the low T centers sort of
Speaker 3:Do . <laugh> don't, don't, I'm sorry. Don't go , don't go in it just to , just to treat a number. Okay. Go in there with a symptom in place. I'm
Speaker 4:Saying too much today.
Speaker 3:You were really gonna get in trouble. Thank God nobody listens. <laugh> . So <laugh> . Donna, how do people get ahold of us?
Speaker 4:You can call us during the week anywhere. <LAUGH> 5 1 2 2 3 8 0 7 6 2 . I'll respond to that listener. That's a great idea. We can certainly treat you by telehealth telemedicine our website's, armor men's health.com, and our email address for these incredible questions that we will answer anonymously in at no charge to you is Armor Men's health@gmail.com. And listen to our podcast, they're free.
Speaker 2:The Armor Men's Health Hour is brought to you by Urology Specialists. For questions or to schedule an appointment, please call 5 1 2 2 3 8 0 7 6 2 or online at armor men's health.com.