Armor Men's Health Show

Bonus Episode: Comedian's Corner: Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee Share Some Urology Humor and Answer a Listener's Question On Nutrition Supplements

August 04, 2023 Dr. Sandeep Mistry and Donna Lee
Bonus Episode: Comedian's Corner: Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee Share Some Urology Humor and Answer a Listener's Question On Nutrition Supplements
Armor Men's Health Show
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Armor Men's Health Show
Bonus Episode: Comedian's Corner: Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee Share Some Urology Humor and Answer a Listener's Question On Nutrition Supplements
Aug 04, 2023
Dr. Sandeep Mistry and Donna Lee

In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee share some of their favorite urology-related jokes and answer a listener question about an exciting nutrition topic. Today's question comes from a listener who wants to know if saw palmetto, a nutrition supplement, is worth taking for prostate health. Dr. Mistry unpacks this question and shines some light on the often confusing world of nutrition supplements. While not a cure-all, saw palmetto, extracted from the saw palmetto plant, has been shown to help some men with urinary complications and even protect the prostate. To learn more about NAU Urology's holistic approach to men's health, call today or visit us online!

Voted top Men's Health Podcast, Sex Therapy Podcast, and Prostate Cancer Podcast by FeedSpot

Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.

We enjoy hearing from you! Email us at and we’ll answer your question in an upcoming episode.

Phone: (512) 238-0762



Our Locations:

Round Rock Office

970 Hester’s Crossing Road
 Suite 101
 Round Rock, TX 78681

South Austin Office

6501 South Congress
 Suite 1-103
 Austin, TX 78745

Lakeline Office

12505 Hymeadow Drive
 Suite 2C
 Austin, TX 78750

Dripping Springs Office

170 Benney Lane
 Suite 202
 Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Show Notes Transcript

In this segment, Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee share some of their favorite urology-related jokes and answer a listener question about an exciting nutrition topic. Today's question comes from a listener who wants to know if saw palmetto, a nutrition supplement, is worth taking for prostate health. Dr. Mistry unpacks this question and shines some light on the often confusing world of nutrition supplements. While not a cure-all, saw palmetto, extracted from the saw palmetto plant, has been shown to help some men with urinary complications and even protect the prostate. To learn more about NAU Urology's holistic approach to men's health, call today or visit us online!

Voted top Men's Health Podcast, Sex Therapy Podcast, and Prostate Cancer Podcast by FeedSpot

Dr. Mistry is a board-certified urologist and has been treating patients in the Austin and Greater Williamson County area since he started his private practice in 2007.

We enjoy hearing from you! Email us at and we’ll answer your question in an upcoming episode.

Phone: (512) 238-0762



Our Locations:

Round Rock Office

970 Hester’s Crossing Road
 Suite 101
 Round Rock, TX 78681

South Austin Office

6501 South Congress
 Suite 1-103
 Austin, TX 78745

Lakeline Office

12505 Hymeadow Drive
 Suite 2C
 Austin, TX 78750

Dripping Springs Office

170 Benney Lane
 Suite 202
 Dripping Springs, TX 78620

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Welcome back to the Armor Men's Health Show with Dr. Mystery and Donna Lee.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And welcome back to the Armor Men's Health Show. I'm Dr. Mr , your host here with my professional comedian and Donna Lee, although you wouldn't believe it sometimes.

Speaker 4:

No. I have a joke though that I'll tell you later. Go for it. I got the rectum joke figured out from my husband. Yes. If you're a listener of ours to the podcast, I asked my husband about his favorite rectum joke, and the joke is Little Timothy was in class and he is very inappropriate. And he told, he raised his hand very eagerly , eagerly, and told the teacher, Ms. Smith , Ms. Smith , my uncle was hurt in the war, and he was shot in the butt hole . And the teacher said, Timothy, it's rectum. And he said, rectum near killed him. <laugh>. So there's the joke. That's pretty good. I did not write that joke. I think it's from the sixties. That's

Speaker 3:

Pretty good. So anyway , one of my favorite jokes is the 90 year old that goes to the doctor for Viagra. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> . The doctor goes, why, why do you want Viagra? There's no way. You know, goes Yes. Uh , I I just don't want to pee on my shoes anymore. I ironically, we can fix both those problems here in case you're wondering and we won't. Nice segue <laugh> . And we won't, and we won't judge you if you're a 90 year old man. Uh , trying to have an erection. You know, I'm still amazed that our own patients don't know that I'm the one on the radio when we're doing the show. Who, who

Speaker 4:

Do they think's on the radio? I

Speaker 3:

Have no idea. So

Speaker 4:

They meet you in the room and then they're like, you sound familiar. Just

Speaker 3:

This week, a patient that's been my patient for 10 years, <laugh> says, I just saw the ad for your radio show. That's you. I said, what kind of impression am I making on you people? That's

Speaker 4:

So funny. Funny . But you do sound, you have your radio voice on, so maybe in the room you don't have your radio voice on.

Speaker 3:

That's right. When I was younger, I used to be a lot squeaker and now I get to be a little bit nicer. <laugh> .

Speaker 4:

I love that you said squeaker with such a low

Speaker 3:

Voice. That's right. Oh ,

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Anyway, I'm a board certified urologist. I'm sorry that you have to , uh, <laugh> listen to this show. Um, but we, we absolutely love ringing you issues related to men's health and men's health topics. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , uh, we love your questions. Uh, as a urologist, I treat the entire buffet of urologic conditions. Mm-hmm . <affirmative> , what was

Speaker 4:

The other

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

No pen . No , I'm not pen . I'm not

Speaker 3:

Using big words. Penelope. I'm not using big words around you anymore. Donna, come hard . That's all right. I pen

Speaker 4:

Nipple up , Lee .

Speaker 3:

Just, just, just sit there <laugh> and be funny. That's why you've hired. Do you understand? Hi. Funny. We're still okay. Hey , so in any case, we would love to have your questions. Uh, they really drive the show and really appreciate all the engagement. Uh , Donna, you wanna remind people how they get ahold of us or make an appointment or tell 'em about our office ? That's

Speaker 4:

Right. You can call us during the week at 5 1 2 2 3 8 0 7 6 2 . And much like you wanna get the call and they're like, is this the Donna on the radio? And I wanna go. Well, yeah. There's only one <laugh> . I imagine my voice is kind of unique. You can email us at Armor men's You can go to our website, which is armor men's, and you can also send an email that way as well. I'll get all of those. They come directly to me and then I share them directly with Dr. Mystery .

Speaker 3:

So, you know, what's interesting about my background is that I'm a graduate of the Baylor College of Medicine. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I'm also a graduate of the University of Texas mm-hmm. <affirmative> . But I'm on the medical education staff for Texas a and m University. That

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Confusing. This week I'm teaching the medical students how to do a male genital exam. I

Speaker 4:

Saw the pro the prototype over

Speaker 3:

The internet. It really takes a lot out of it, don't you think? Yeah. You really can't get your hands on it. You're

Speaker 4:

Gonna have your hands on it. Well , I'll tell This is a big old prototype.

Speaker 3:

It's a big prototype. It's a big, it costs $6,000 to get an artificial rectum to do a prosthetic

Speaker 4:

For the fake booty that's sitting in the office. That's right. $6,000.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

You could have gotten a sex toy for like $35.

Speaker 3:

I'm just saying that there's probably cheaper alternatives. <laugh> , maybe medical education doesn't have to be so expensive.

Speaker 4:

Oh , I saw the prototyping. It looks a lot like the, we were watching a TV show called Dave and he had a bottom sex toy. And it looks just like the thing in our office,

Speaker 3:

Dave is about a, a , a political candidate that looks like the president. It's a wonderful show from the 1990s and oh's , different <laugh> . You'll never disser my idea of what that name should be. That's totally different. And you should really change the kind of apps that you have on your television. I'm not judging though, if you have a sexual fetus, we're happy to take care of it and , uh, whatever problems that may arise from it. So we ,

Speaker 4:

We do not judge, but we

Speaker 3:

Do love your questions. Why don't you give us

Speaker 4:

One ? Well , we have one. Yes. And you know, we talk a lot about your holistic approach to the patient care and supplements and therapy and physical therapy. And so I thought this was a really good question because I kind of had to Google it. Dr . Misery , what is your opinion on saw palmetto? I've been taking it for many years. My GP general practitioner , um, has said that it will affect the P ss a test . So I assume it does have , have some effect on the P S A . Does it raise or lower the P S a ? That's

Speaker 3:

A great question. Can

Speaker 4:

A fulfillment

Speaker 3:

Do that? Within , within our practice and certainly within just kind of what people do in their daily lives. People develop this kind of notion of what will and won't help their health. And a lot of these things are based in science. Some are not. I'm, I'm really, you know, still psychologically in that mode of learning about what is and is not gonna be beneficial to our patients. That's why we have a nutritionist. That's why we have a supplement counselor. That's why we try to help patients that want to deal with issues non-pharmaceutical, but with supplements and diet and lifestyle changes and make those things work. I had an 80 year old guy that came in this week, 80 years old, looks amazing. He has a prostate 10 times normal size. Oh , a 330 gram prostate. And he said, listen, what can I do so I can go back and play tennis three times a week? Aw . And we gave him a wonderful option. Prostate artery embolization, no catheter, no hospital stay. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> very little risk to him. And he's gonna do great with it. We are gonna try to find a solution for you that matches kind of your outlook and, and your needs. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> saw Palmetto is a supplement that we certainly support and provide in the office. It is from the saw palmetto plant. It's an extract. I mean, these things don't become, you know, widely used because they've never worked. And so this really gets at kind of our approach , uh, to urology. When you do big studies, it shows that for most men saw Palmetto has no effect on urinary or uh , B P H symptoms. So it doesn't help your urinary flow, but undeniably there are some men in whom saw Palmetto does work. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, it's a low risk medication or supplement. It has, it's over available over the counter . Uh, you wanna look for a high quality saw palmetto. We have one that is , um, that is made by a company called , uh, Metagenics

Speaker 4:

Physician grade. Right.

Speaker 3:

I guess, I don't know . I don't think that's a thing. It is

Speaker 4:

A thing when you sell supplements in

Speaker 3:

Doctor's offices, medical , medical food grade is a thing.

Speaker 4:

Physician grade supplements is a

Speaker 3:

Thing. Physician grade thing is not a thing. Okay.

Speaker 4:

Well I've been saying it for three years.

Speaker 3:

Well , we ain't making up words around here. <laugh> , you're fired. <laugh> . Uh , so, so it's the salt . Paul Meadow is a extract that, you know, my own anecdotal experience is that it , that men do have improvement with their B P H or urinary symptoms. Now, the reasoning for why it does it, it differs, I believe, and the research that I believe that has , uh, kind of supported , uh, my use of this , uh, supplement is that it really, it helps defeat some of the effects that testosterone has on the prostate. So, you know, we're big proponents of normalizing testosterone. We have, you know, over 5,000 patients in our database that we use a testosterone on. Uh , we try to do it in a holistic and natural form, but the one negative potential side effect of increasing your testosterone is a potential effect on worsening urinary symptoms by its effect on your prostate. And saw palmetto does have an anti androgenic or anti testosterone effect on the prostate. And so because of that, getting to the second part of that question mm-hmm. <affirmative> of whether it can affect your P S A , the answer is that it can, but it will usually drive your P s A down, not up. Oh . So , uh, if you, it does it in an incremental way and one that doesn't really appreciably change how we evaluate your P S A in terms of your prostate cancer risk. So , um, if you're on the saw palmetto, I would not be concerned that it's abnormally affecting your P S a . Mm-hmm. <affirmative> , if you're not on a saw ome that's working for you, it may not be the right treatment for, you may need something stronger than salt palmetto. Mm-hmm. <affirmative> . And if you are , um, having urinary complaints, but you're looking for a more natural way of, of dealing with it, then we have in our, in our arsenal of things to do some dietary recommendations. We use a lot of anti-inflammatories. Uh, and there are things that you can do if you're trying to avoid medications and of course surgical interventions can be done quickly, efficiently, easily, safely. All these things, all these words that we like to hear. Um, because , uh, taking a medicine can have negative consequences on you in the long term , especially , uh, medicines for overactive bladder and for , um, enlarged prostate. They can cause fatigue, dry mouth, constipation, all sorts of other problems that you don't wanna necessarily , uh, experience. Right. And so I'm a big fan of avoiding meds when prop , when appropriate mm-hmm. <affirmative>. And , um, and I , if , if you've been managing nothing but meds for your urinary complaints, then you know, come to us so we can talk to you about it.

Speaker 4:

That's right. I just googled salt palmetto <laugh> while you

Speaker 3:

Were talking you and you're Googling

Speaker 4:

<laugh> . Just so interesting. It proves urinary tract function. It I'm prevents care lot . I'm the Why would you go to the Google? 'cause I wanted to see if you were gonna say what they said on the Google and you did. Oh my Lord. It says may support prostate health , uh, and may help regulate testosterone levels. Are you

Speaker 3:

Nuts? Google?

Speaker 4:

I amna . I just told you the

Speaker 3:

Story. Oh my lord.

Speaker 4:

Well Google backed you up.

Speaker 3:

Alright , well, very good. Well tell people how to Google us there , Donna.

Speaker 4:

That's right. You can google armor men's, which is our website, and you can see you

Speaker 3:

Don't Google websites. You

Speaker 4:

Can, you might as well old woman . It'll take <laugh> . It'll take you right there. Um, armor Men's is our email address and our locations are Round Rock, north Austin, south Austin and Tripping Springs. Um, please send us some more questions that are amazing and we love to answer them on air anonymously.

Speaker 2:

Dr . Mystery wants to hear from you. To submit a question, visit armor men's We'll be right back with the Armor Men's Health Show.